Sue Boal - Painting in the South of France

Feu, Terre et Eau (page 2)

Warm Cliffs Xabia

92 x 65cm

Long ages past slept
Crumbling cliffs watching, waiting,
Copper, ochre hues.

Fire in Water

55 x 38cm

Cool, copper-tinted,
Still, serene surface shelters,
Teeming, tumbling life.

Sunset, Cambrils

30 x 24cm

Fiery hues explode.
Bats soar joyful to the hunt.
Bright, flamboyant dusk.

Simply Space

30 x 24cm

Wide, limitless skies,
Sweep razor sharp horizon
In search of heaven.

Sensual Water

30 x 24cm

Cold scent of water,
Cool thighs tangled with seaweed.
Luscious taste of salt

Feu, Terre et Eau (Page 1)     Feu, Terre et Eau (Page 2)
     Mountains and Water (Page 1)     Mountains and Water (Page 2)
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