Dragonflies and Damselflies

Gomphus vulgatissimus - Club-tailed Dragonfly - Le Gomphus très commun


A robust, black and yellow dragonfly with a clubbed appearance to the abdomen in both males and females. This is an early summer species, usually found on the wing from late April to early June. The preferred habitat is slow-flowing rivers but it is often found well away from water in woodland.

Gomphus vulgatissimus

Male resting on a rock in River Mare, St-Etienne-d'Estrechoux (34), 1st June 2005


01/06/2005   A solitary male seen perched on a rock in the River Mare at St-Etienne-d'Estrechoux (34)

18/05/2008   Solitary male near the River Orb at Hérépian

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This page last updated 01/06/2005